Fire and Cloud Homestead Tour

A few years ago, while visiting my local farmers market, I came across a booth with glorious looking produce. It wasn't just the ripe veggies and herbs that drew me... it was the kind looking couple who grew and sold the goods. Charlie and Vicki Moffit, owners of Fire and Cloud Homestead and I became fast friends.

They were so excited to talk to me about organic farming and happy to answer my questions for my own gardening ventures. After that initial meeting, I followed them on social media, have seen them at various functions and visited the farm to pick up produce.
With the announcement this spring that they would no longer be vendor's at the market, yet open their farm every Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. for pickup,
I thought it would be a great time to get to know them better and share my visit with you.

Charlie and Vicki welcomed me to their property, conveniently located off Exit 19 *1-24.
Charlie was pushing an old fashioned plow, while Vickie was barefoot pulling weeds. They were ready for a sit down to chat with me after a long afternoon of physical labor. The self proclaimed "not so spring chickens" are so easy to talk to and make you feel like family. Any questions about gardening or organic farming are eagerly answered while being passionately informative. Charlie proudly explained that this spring has been exceptionally good for the garden, with just the right amount of rain.
With over 170 varieties of veggies, a growing orchard with fruit trees and berries, plus plans to add livestock--the place is alive and thriving.
The land has a story all it's own...the Moffitts, who still dabble in the banking world, had a strong desire to find land to farm. After finding these 6 acres in Cedar Hill, they put in a low offer, then the opportunity passed. Months went by, as they had given up on the idea, until a phone call changed everything. The seller asked them if the offer was still on the table and they immediately took it. Since then, the Moffit's started cultivating the land, investing in the red clay soil with fish emulsion, and other organic material to build up a rich base. There is a house on the property that they plan to tear down and build a permanent home to move from their current lodgings in historic Springfield, Tn.
Every seed is carefully chosen from non-gmo sources, even an special heirloom sweet potato passed on by Vickie's father exists. Rare and specific varieties are grown to preserve and for uniqueness.
Their passion for helping others eat healthy as well as learn to cook, preserve food, and live natural lifestyles is part of their mission. Their dream is to see others living sustainable lifestyles and do various efforts to teach these lost arts. A sweet little neighbor boy was over helping in the garden, as he loves to do often after school. He was helping Ms. Vicki thin out swiss chard seedlings and eager to learn. Although they have grandchildren of their own, it was so special to see their nurturing character and patience with this little guy. As we talked, friendly neighbors honked and waved as they passed. Charlie noted how he loves when people come by and share life with them.
As I left the farm, I felt refreshed and encouraged by this hardworking couple. They loaded me down with fresh beets, carrots and onions, which I juiced immediately when I got home. I will definitely be frequenting the farm on Tuesdays for ultra fresh produce with decent well as for the great conversation and refreshing atmosphere. If you'd like to get on their customer email list, send a note to and be sure to like their Facebook page.
If you're looking for fresh, organic, beautiful produce---this is the place.
You can literally watch them pick it as you order. You can't get any fresher than that, folks.

Check out this sea of lettuce! Such lovely colors and variety...